500 kV繁昌變智能化改造的設計與實現
蕪湖供電公司,安徽 蕪湖 241027
摘 要:介紹了華東電網首座500kV變電站智能化改造項目繁昌變改造的設計與實現,分析了改造過程中的雙規約監控后臺、完備的間隔層邏輯閉鎖、分布式智能告警、分布式狀態估計等關鍵技術及創新點。經智能化改造后,該變電站在一體化信息平臺上實現了設備控制、故障告警與綜合分析運維高效化,降低了運維成本,優化了資源配置,提升了運行指標。
中圖分類號:TM63 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2013)04-0036-06
Design and Realization of 500 kV Fanchang Substation
XIA You-bin
Wuhu Power Supply Company, Wuhu 241027, China
Abstract: Introduction was made to design and realization of Fanchang substation transformation project of the first 500kV substation intelligent transformation project in East China power grid. Analysis was made to the duplex protocol control system, bay level logic blocking, distribution intelligent warning, and distribution status estimation etc key technologies and innovative points. After intelligent transformation, the substation has realized high efficiency operation and maintenance of equipment control, fault alarm and synthetic analysis on the integrated information platform, which reduces costs of operation and maintenance, optimizes resources disposition and raises operation indexes.
Key words: substation; intelligentized transformation; key technology
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