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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-03-15 14:15 瀏覽次數:685


    許繼電氣股份有限公司,河南 許昌 461000 

    摘 要: 結合并網逆變器最大功率點跟蹤(MPPT) 功率跟蹤能力的特點,介紹了一種光伏并網型逆變器靜態MPPT 效率的測試方法。按照標準要求計算光伏組件的MPPT 曲線,并用I -V 源模擬此曲線。通過功率分析儀等測試設備,測量并網逆變器的端口電壓、電流值、功率值,與理論最大功率相比得出MPPT 效率,來實現對MPPT 的測試,數據處理、分析證明了該測試方法的正確性。
    關鍵詞: 并網逆變器;光伏;最大功率點跟蹤;功率分析儀
    中圖分類號:TM464 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2013)05-0055-04

    Maximum Power Point Tracking Curve Tracking Test Method Study on Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Type of Inverter 

    XU Tao, YU Zhao-hui, CHEN Qiang, WANG Xiao-li 
    XJ Electric Co., Ltd, Xuchang 461000, China 

    Abstract: Combined with features of grid-connected maximum power point tracking (MPPT) capability, this paper introduced a test method for static MPPT efficiency of photovoltaic grid-connected type of inverter. According to requirements of standard, MPPT curves of photovoltaic components were calculated and these curves were simulated with I -V source. Via power analyzer etc test equipment, terminal voltage, current value and power value of grid-connected inverter were measured. MPPT efficiency was obtained by comparing with theoretical maximum power, so as to realize test of MPPT, and data processing. The analysis proved the correctness of the test method.
    Key words: grid-connected inverter; photovoltaic; maximum power point tracking; power analyzer

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