1 三峽大學 電氣與新能源學院,湖北 宜昌 443002;
2 南京南瑞集團公司信息通信技術分公司,江蘇 南京 210003
摘 要:分布式光纖測溫技術中的光纖本身既是溫度傳感器又是溫度的傳輸媒介的特性,特別適用于電力系統的高壓電纜等高壓電氣設備溫度的在線監測。介紹了一種分布式光纖溫度在線監測系統的設計方法,系統包括測溫光纖、光電監測及信號處理電路部分和主機等硬件設施,通過在線監測軟件實現了對電纜局部溫度過熱的監測、定溫報警、溫升報警和特性曲線的顯示等功能,達到了對高壓電纜等高壓電氣設備的實時在線監測的目的。
中圖分類號:TM930.12+6;TP212.9 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2013)08-0049-04
Design of Cable Temperature On-Line Monitoring System Based on Distributed Optical Fiber
WANG Guo-sheng1, ZHANG Sheng-zhen2
1 College of Electrical Energy & New Energy, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China;
2 Information and Communication Technology Branch of Nanjing NARI Group Corporation, Nanjing 210003, China
Abstract: The characteristic that the distributed optical fiber in temperature test technology itself is both a temperature sensor and a temperature transmission media is especially adaptable for temperature on-line monitoring of high-voltage equipment, such as high-voltage cable etc. Introduction was made to a kind of design method of distributed optical fiber temperature on-line monitoring system. The system included temperature test optical fiber, photoelectricity monitoring and signal processing circuits and main machine etc hardware facility. The on-line monitoring software realized monitoring, constant temperature alarming, temperature rising alarming and characteristics displaying of overheat partial cable etc functions, which achieves on-line monitoring for high-voltage cable etc high-voltage electrical equipment.
Key words: distributed optical fiber; temperature; on-line monitoring
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