云南電力試驗研究院(集團)有限公司電力研究院,云南 昆明 650217
摘 要:合閘電阻熱容量、阻值和接入時間是反映其可靠性的最直接參量。以實際參數的500kV輸電系統為計算對象,考慮多種系統工況,對斷路器合閘操作時合閘電阻獲得結構熱進行計算分析,給出500kV斷路器合閘電阻熱容量的合理范圍,并對電阻值和接入時間對操作過電壓的影響作定性定量分析。
中圖分類號:TM561 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2013)08-0022-03
Calculation Analysis on Thermal Capacity and Rated Parameters of Circuit-Breaker Closing Resistors
HUANG Ran, ZHAO Xian-ping, LEI Yuan-yuan, ZHANG Gong-yuan
Electric Power Research Institute, Yunnan Electric Power Test & Research Institute Group Co., Ltd, Kunming 650217, China
Abstract: Thermal capacity, resistance value and current-carrying time are the most direct parameters to reflect the reliability of circuit-breaker closing resistors. Based on 500 kV AC transmission system simulation model with actual parameters, closing resistor thermal capacity under different operation conditions was calculated and reasonable value range of 500 kV AC transmission system was put forward. At last the quantitative analysis was made to the impacts of resistance value and current-carrying time on switching overvoltage.
Key words: closing resistor; thermal capacity; current-carrying time; switching overvoltage; no-load closing
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