長沙理工大學 電氣與信息工程學院,湖南 長沙 410077
摘 要:風電系統輸出功率具有波動性和隨機性,并網時將嚴重影響電能質量。提出了一種基于超級電容器和蓄電池的新型混合儲能系統,以滿足平抑風電波動功率的需求。通過對混合儲能系統充放電過程的控制,延長系統的使用壽命,提高充放電效率。對風電波動功率進行分解,通過采用一種新型的控制模型,建立功率信息庫,根據實時風電功率及儲能元件的狀態,檢索信息庫,得到充放電控制器相應的控制算法,簡化了風力發電系統多種波動功率的控制方案,縮短控制時間。仿真結果表明,所提出的混合儲能系統及其控制方案是可行的,平抑后的風電輸出功率可以滿足電力系統實時調度的要求。
中圖分類號:TM614 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2013)08-0017-05
Hybrid Energy Storage System and Control System for Balance and Inhibition of Wind Power Fluctuation in Power Output
CHENG Sha-sha, ZHANG Qi, HUANG Xiang-yuan
College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410077, China
Abstract: The output power of a wind power system is with intermittence and randomness, so it will seriously have impacts on power quality when the system was connected into power grid. This paper raised a new type of hybrid energy storage system based on super-capacitor and storage battery, so as to meet the demand of balance and inhibition of wind power in fluctuation. The useful life of the system was prolonged by controlling the processes of charging and discharging for hybrid energy storage system and the charging and discharging efficiency were improved. Via decomposition of wind power fluctuation, a new type of control model was adopted to set up a power information data bank. According to the real-time wind power and energy storage elements state, the information data bank was searched to get the relevant control algorithm method. The multi-fluctuation power control plan of wind power system was simplified, to have shortened control time. Simulation result shows that the raised hybrid energy storage system and its control plan are feasible and the output power of wind power can meet real-time dispatch requirements of power system after balanced and inhibited.
Key words: fluctuating power; hybrid energy storage; charge-discharge controller; power balance and inhibition; super-capacitor; storage battery
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