山東大學 電氣工程學院,山東 濟南 250061
摘 要:由于風電具有很強的隨機性,風電以及風電功率的預測都有難度,因此給含風電的電力系統經濟調度帶來了很大困難。根據風電間歇性和隨機性的不同處理方法以及旋轉備用和風險對目標函數的約束,從模型以及求解方法兩個方面考慮風電接入下的電力系統經濟調度問題,分析了模型的優勢與不足,從尋優速度、精度和收斂性比較了各種算法的優缺點,討論了模型使用各種算法解決問題的方法和途徑并指出風電接入下的經濟調度問題將來所面臨的工作。
中圖分類號:TM614 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2013)08-0005-05
Power System Economic Dispatch in Consideration of Wind Farm Connected into Power System
YANG Jia-jun, XU Jian-zheng
School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China
Abstract: Wind power is with very strong randomness, wind power and its power are all difficult to predicate, thus it is difficult for power network containing wind power to carry out economic dispatch. According to different treatment methods of wind power intermittent and randomness, and the target function binding from spinning reserve and risk, this paper considered power system economic dispatch issue from the model and solution method. Analysis was made to advantages and insufficiency of the model. Various algorithms were compared from aspects of searching optimized speed, accuracy and convergence. Discussion was made to the methods and ways solving problems with various algorithms. It is pointed what the economic dispatch issue under the wind power connected-in will confront with in the future.
Key words: power system; wind power; economic dispatch; spinning reserve
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