500 kV直流電子式電流互感器及其應用
南京南瑞繼保電氣有限公司,江蘇 南京 211102
摘 要: 介紹了國產首套500 kV 直流電子式電流互感器的結構、原理、主要技術參數及工程應用情況。產品利用分流器傳感直流電流;利用Rogowski 線圈傳感諧波電流;利用基于激光供能的遠端模塊就地采集分流器和Rogowski 線圈的輸出信號;利用光纖傳送信號,可實現對直流電流和諧波電流的同時測量,具有絕緣結構簡單可靠、體積小、質量小、線性度好、測量精度高、階躍響應快等特點,實際工程應用表明,該產品運行穩定可靠,應用前景廣闊。
關鍵詞: 直流輸電;電子式電流互感器;分流器;電流互感器
中圖分類號:TM452+.92 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2013)09-0041-04
500 kV DC Electronic Current Transformer and Its Application
LUO Su-nan, CAO Dong-ming, XU Lei, HU Gui-ping, SHI Qin-min
Nari-Relays Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 2111 02, China
Abstract: Introduction was made to the structure, principle, main technical parameters and engineering application about the first domestic set of 500 kV DC electronic current transformers. This product made the shunt sense DC currents, the Rogowski coil sense harmonic currents, the remote module sample the output signals of the shunt and Rogowski coil based on laser energisation and the optical fiber transmit the measured signals, to realize measuring DC currents and harmonic currents at the same time. This product has the characteristics of simple insulation structure, small volume, light weight, good linearity, high accuracy, and quick step response. Practical engineering application shows that the product is stable and reliable in operation with broad application prospect.
Key words: DC transmission; electronic current transformer; shunt; current transformer
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