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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-04-05 16:05 瀏覽次數:771


    中國電力科學研究院,北京 100055 

    摘 要:考慮到電氣設備在電網系統中的重要作用,現行的抗震設防水準已不足以保證其安全性,電氣設備的抗震設防水準有待進一步提高。通過對比國內不同工程抗震規范和國內外電氣設備抗震規范的規定,明確目前電氣設備抗震設防的不足,建議電氣設備的抗震設防水準取為50 年超越概率2%。結合不同設防烈度區數十個典型地區地震危險性分析,提出了建議的抗震設防水準對應的峰值加速度取值,并通過對比不同電氣設備抗震規范中加速度取值對應的超越概率水平,驗證了該取值的合理性。
    中圖分類號:TM08;TM63 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2013)10-0054-05

    Study on Seismic Fortification Level of Electrical Equipment 

    ZHONG Min, FANG Zheng-gang 
    China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing 100055, China 

    Abstract: Considering that electrical equipment plays an important role in power distribution system, and that the current seismic fortificationlevel is not enough to guarantee their safety, this paper raised to further improve the seismic fortification level of electrical equipment. The comparison of different engineering seismic codes and electrical equipment seismic codes at home and abroad showed the lack of seismic fortificationof current electrical equipment. It is recommended that the seismic fortification level of electrical equipment is taken as exceeding probability of 2% in 50 years. Combined with seismic risk analysis of ten typical regions in different fortification intensity Districts, this paper proposed the peak acceleration values corresponding to suggestive seismic fortification level. The values are verified to be reasonable by contrasting the exceeding probability level corresponding to the peak acceleration values in different electrical equipment seismic codes.
             Key words: electrical equipment; seismic fortification; seismic codes; seismic risk analysis

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