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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-04-05 16:05 瀏覽次數:843


    國網河南省電力公司檢修公司,河南 南陽 473000 

    摘 要:介紹了500 kV 主接線的特點,結合現場案例,分析了500 kV 變電站3/2 接線電流互感器安裝位置和方向不同對保護的影響,指出在設計時要根據使用特點,合理地選擇電流互感器的安裝位置、P1 的方向、二次繞組的套裝位置,保證系統穩定運行。
    關鍵詞:電流互感器;3/2 接線;安裝位置
    中圖分類號:TM452;TM645 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2013)10-0044-03

    Impact of 3/2 Wiring Current Transformer Installation Position and Direction on Protection 

    LUO Hu, LUO Xu, GUO Xia 
    Henan Electric Power Company Maintenance Company of State Grid, Nanyang 473000, China 

    Abstract: Introduction was made to characteristics of 500 kV main wiring. Combined with onsite cases,this paper analyzed the impacts of 500 kV substation 3/2 wiring current transformer installation position and direction difference on protection. It was pointed out that in design the installation position of current transformer should be reasonably selected according to its use features, as well as the direction of P1 and suit position of secondary winding so as to assure stable operation of the system.
             Key words: current transformer; 3/2 wiring; installation position


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