合肥會通中科材料有限公司,安徽 合肥 230088
摘 要: 介紹了超臨界流體發泡擠出機的溫度控制系統,分析了影響擠出設備溫控系統精度的因素,并提出了改進措施,即利用雙通道PID 結合可控硅調整加熱冷卻系統的輸出功率,降低了系統的熱慣性與遲滯性。實驗結果表明,控溫精度可達到±1 ℃,極大地提高了擠出發泡制品的質量和成品率。 關鍵詞: 超臨界流體;雙通道控制;可控硅;溫度控制
中圖分類號:TM571 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2013)11-0057-04
Study on Temperature Controlled System of Supercritical Fluid Foaming Extruder
XU Tian-yi
Hefei Orinko-zhongke Plastic Material Co., Ltd, Hefei 230088, China
Abstract: Introduction was made to a supercritical fluid foaming extruder temperature control system. Analysis was made to factors impacting on the accuracy of equipment temperature control system, the improved measures were raised. Combined with thyristor adjusting output power of heating and cooling system, the double-channel PID was used to reduce thermal inertia and hysteresis. Experimental result shows that the temperature control accuracy can reach ±1℃, which greatly lifted quality and finished product percentage of extrusion foaming products.
Key words: supercritical fluid; dual channel controller; silicon controlled rectifier; temperature control
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