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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-04-05 17:05 瀏覽次數:784


    東南大學 電氣工程學院, 江蘇 南京 210096 

    摘 要:提出了一種基于分布式結構和以太網通信方式的高壓開關柜在線監測系統,該系統采用高級RISC微處理器(ARM)與現場可編程門陣列(FPGA)構成的嵌入式數據采集與通信單元。針對在線監測系統采集到的斷路器行程信號,利用小波閾值消噪方法在消去噪聲的同時較好地保留了信號的特征,對于經過去噪處理的離散行程信號,在Matlab軟件中對其求微分,得到斷路器動觸頭速度的離散數據曲線,求得的速度最大點即為剛合點,進而可得出斷路器的開距、超程等參數,通過數據對比驗證了此方法的有效性和準確性。
    中圖分類號:TM561;TM591 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2013)12-0041-04

    High-Voltage Switchgear Online Monitoring and Processing of Circuit Breakers Displacement Signal 

    ZHANG Si-yu, MEI Jun 
    School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China 

    Abstract: This paper raised a kind of high-voltage switchgear online monitoring system based on distributed structure and Ethernet communication. The system adopted the advanced reduced instruction set computer (RISC) microprocessor (ARM) and field programmable gate array (FPGA) to constitute embedded data collecting and communication unit. In allusion to circuit breakers displacement signal of on-line monitoring system, wavelet threshold denoising method was used to remain characteristics of signals while denoising. The denoising dispersed displacement signals were differential in Matlab to obtain dispersed data curves of circuit breakers moving contacts speed. The maximum point of speed is the closing point, thus further to get open gap of circuit breakers, over distance etc parameters. Data comparison verifies the validity and correctness of the method.
               Key words: high-voltage switchgear; on-line monitoring; displacement signal; de-noising

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