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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-04-05 17:05 瀏覽次數:745



    1 北京航空航天大學 儀器科學與光電工程學院,北京 100191;
    2 北京電研華源電力技術有限公司,北京 100085

    摘 要:應用于電力設備領域中保證穩電供應的開關柜正在向中壓、小型化、免維護和高可靠性的方向發展。介紹了實現柜體小型化、免維護、高可靠性的一些關鍵技術如固體絕緣技術、環氧樹脂澆注技術、操動機構技術等。通過對比國內外應用于開關柜的關鍵技術,指出國內開關柜技術的不足及其發展方向。
    中圖分類號:TM591 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2013)12-0001-04

    Key Technology and Its Development of Miniaturized and Medium-Voltage Solid Insulated Switchgear 

    LI Dan1, GE Le-yi2, WANG Zhong-yu1 
    1 School of Instrumentation Science and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China;
    2 Beijing Electricity Research Huayuan Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd, Beijing 100085, China

    Abstract: The switchgear applied in the field of electric power equipment to ensure stable electricity supply is developing towards the direction of medium-voltage, miniaturization, maintenance free and high-reliability. Introduction was made to several key technologies of realizing switchgear miniaturization, maintenance free and high-reliability, such as solid insulated technology, epoxy resin casting technology, operation mechanism technology and so on. By means of key technologies comparison applied in switchgear at home and abroad, this paper pointed out the shortage of domestic switchgear technology and its development direction.
             Key words: switchgear; medium-voltage; miniaturization; solid insulation

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