(揚州供電公司,江蘇 揚州 225000)
摘 要: 介紹了用電信息采集系統的系統框架與功能,結合智能化、自動化、信息化技術在營銷專業的應用,提出采用集控維護、集成業務的集約化管理模式,并對其成效進行了分析,實踐驗證表明,新型管理模式可優化人員配置,提升員工技能業務水平,從而突出故障消缺的實時性、采集數據的準確性,深化了采集系統的實用性。
關鍵詞: 用電信息采集系統;配網線損;集中抄收;配變監測
中圖分類號:TM727 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)01-0054-05
Intensive Management of Marketing Based on Electricity Use Information Collecting System
CHENG Si-yuan, WANG Rong, PAN Yang
(Yangzhou Power Supply Company, Yangzhou 225000, China)
Abstract: Introduction was made to the frame-work and functions of electricity use information collecting system. Combined with applications of intellectualization, automation, information technologies in marketing specialty, this paper adopted the central maintenance control, integrated business intensive management mode, and analyzed its effectiveness. Practical verification shows that new management mode could optimize personnel collocation, lift staff skill level, thus to show out real-time of fault elimination, accuracy of data collection, to have deepened actuality of collection system.
Key words: electricity use information collecting system; distribution net line loss; centralized meter reading; distribution transformer monitoring
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