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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-04-06 08:06 瀏覽次數:19


    (泰州供電公司,江蘇 泰州 225300) 

    摘 要: 介紹了柔性直流輸電的技術原理和控制策略,指出當前控制方法研究成果中存在的問題,比較了柔性直流輸電技術幾種發展方向的研究現狀,分析了基于模塊化多電平換流器的輸電方式,根據目前國內外柔性直流輸電示范工程,說明了柔性直流輸電技術在新能源、城市電網和智能電網中的應用前景。
    關鍵詞: 柔性直流輸電;電壓源換流器;控制策略;模塊化多電平;智能電網
    中圖分類號:TM721.1 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)01-0001-06

    Analysis and Study of Flexible DC Transmission Technology 

    ZHU Jing-song 
    (Taizhou Power Supply Company, Taizhou 225300, China) 

    Abstract: Introduction was made to technical principle and control strategy of flexible DC transmission, existing problems in present control method study result pointed out. This paper compared several development directions of present study situations of flexible transmission technology and analyzed the transmission method based on modular multilevel converter. According to the present flexible DC transmission model both at home and abroad, description was made to the application prospect of flexible DC transmission technology in new energy, city grid and smart grid.
          Key words: flexible DC transmission; voltage source converter; control strategy; modular multilevel converter; smart grid

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