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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-04-06 10:06 瀏覽次數:16


    (重慶水利電力職業技術學院,重慶 402160) 

    摘 要: 針對某電廠2 號發電機組C 級檢修后,由于非全相保護誤動而造成機組無法順利并網事件,介紹了事件發生經過及事故檢查處理的過程,分析了該事件發生的可能原因,提出了改進并網開關合閘控制回路設計,加強并網開關分合閘同期性檢查及液壓操動機構油回路暢通檢查,補充規范并網開關傳動試驗管理細則等防止類似事故發生的預防措施,為發電機組運行檢修工作提供了借鑒和參考。
    關鍵詞: 發電機組;非全相保護;并網;預防措施
    中圖分類號:TM762.2+5 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)05-0039-03

    Analysis on Open-Phase Protection Action of Unit 2 in Certain Power Plant 

    YANG Hong 
    (Chongqing Water Resources and Electric Engineering College, Chongqing 402160, China) 

    Abstract: Aiming at the event that after grade C overhaul of unit 2, the units was unable to connect to the grid because of the open phase protection misoperation, this paper introduced the taking place process and trouble shooting process of the event, analyzed the possible cause of the event and raised the making control circuit design of improving the grid connection switches, strengthening the corresponding period checking of the grid connection switches making and breaking and the unblocked examination of hydraulic operating mechanism oil circuits and supplying the regulation of the grid connection switches transmission test management details etc measures to prevent similar accident from taking place.
           Key words: generator set; open-phase protection; grid connection; precautionary measures

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    [2] 張正源.發電機非全相運行安全技術探討[J].科技創新與應用,2012(32):151-152.


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