黃森炯1, 王京鋒2, 許育燕1
1 國網寧波供電公司,浙江 寧波 315010;2 國網浙江象山縣供電公司,浙江 象山 315700
摘 要:直流融冰是輸電線路應對冰災的一種有效手段。以一條220 kV 線路直流融冰試驗為例,對融冰線路兩側狀態的定義和調度操作要求作了明確規定,分析了通過對矩陣閘刀的切換來調整直流融冰裝置的融冰模式,并給出了繼電保護定值的整定原則。實際試驗數據結果分析表明,優化電網中直流融冰裝置的布點原則、操作流程并考慮各種風險和約束的融冰調度策略可有效提高融冰效果。
中圖分類號:TM726 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)06-0031-03
Application of DC Ice Melting Test in Ningbo Power Grid
HUANG Sen-jiong1, WANG Jing-feng2, XU Yu-yan1
1 Ningbo Power Supply Company of State Grid, Ningbo 315010, China;
2 Zhejiang Xiangshan Power Supply Company of State Grid, Xiangshan 315700, China
Abstract: DC ice melting is an effective counter measure for power transmission lines. Taking a DC ice melting test of 220 kV line as an example, this paper clearly stipulated the definition of each side’s state of ice melting line and scheduling operation rules. Analysis was made to the ice melting mode of DC ice melting device adjusted by switching matrix switches and the setting principle of relay protection set value were given. The actual test data shows that to effectively raise ice melting effect is to optimize the point-distributing principle and operation flow of DC ice melting device in power grid, in consideration of various risk and restriction ice melting dispatching strategy.
Key words: DC ice melting; ice disaster; ice melting mode; setting; advantages and disadvantage
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