(揚州供電公司,江蘇 揚州 225001)
摘 要: 針對目前配網自動化系統的饋線自動化功能,提出了一種配網自動化系統故障隔離和網絡重構的整組試驗方法。該方法能夠在配網自動化系統運行的配電線路上通過主、子站下傳帶時標的模擬故障信息給控制終端,控制終端在規定時間點上傳解釋后的虛遙信,從而實現配網故障研判、隔離和重組。該方法在配電線路停電或運行時均適用,停電試驗或在線仿真試驗簡單、實用、高效,可作為配網自動化系統饋線自動化功能整組試驗的通用試驗方法。
關鍵詞: 配網自動化;故障隔離;網絡重構;饋線自動化試驗
中圖分類號:TM762.1+4 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)07-0045-04
Research on Network-Reconfiguration Test Method Based on Distribution Network Automation System
FENG Ying-chun
(Yangzhou Power Supply Company, Yangzhou 225001, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the feeder automation function of the distribution network automation system, at present, this paper proposed a faultisolation and network-reconfiguration test method of distribution network automation system for the total group. This method could download the time-marked simulation fault information of distribution lines with the distribution network automation system and then sent them to the control terminals through master and slave station. The control terminal uploaded the explained virtual remote signals at the given time points, so as to realize fault analysis, fault isolation and restructuring of distribution network. This method applied in both outage and running distribution lines is proved simple, practical and efficient in power cut test or online simulation test, so that it can be used as a general test method of the total feeder automation function test for the distribution network automation system.
Key words: distribution network automation system; fault isolation; network reconfiguration; feeder automation test
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