(廣東工業大學 自動化學院,廣東 廣州 510006)
摘 要: 分析了輸電線路距離保護的基本原理,并基于PSCAD4.2 軟件搭建了電力系統距離保護仿真模型,設置了輸電線路可能發生的接地故障和相間故障,得出不同故障類型下輸電線路的電壓、電流以及其他量的變化規律的波形,仿真結果表明,利用該軟件建立的模型能夠準確反映距離保護的作用機理,即距離保護裝置能夠快速響應故障信號并動作于斷路器,實現輸電線路的保護。
關鍵詞: PSCAD4.2 軟件;距離保護;接地故障
中圖分類號:TM712 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)07-0028-04
Simulation Analysis of Power System Distance Protection Based on PSCAD4.2 Software
PENG Pai, CHENG Han-xiang
(School of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China)
Abstract: Analysis was made on the basic principle of power transmission line distance protection, this paper built up the distance protection simulation model based on PSCAD4.2 software and set possibly happening grounding faults and faults between phases of the transmission lines, to get waveforms of voltage, current and other change rules transmission line under the conditions of different fault kinds. Simulation result shows that the established model with this software can correctly reflect function mechanism of distance protection, that the distance protection device is able to respond to fault signal fast with action on the circuit breaker, to realize protection of power transmission lines.
Key words: PSCAD4.2 software; distance protection; grounding fault
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