(蘇州供電公司,江蘇 蘇州 215004)
摘 要: 介紹了中壓配電網網格化規劃的思路、主要原則及具體步驟。通過網格化規劃將配電網供電區域按區塊合理劃分為供電網格,將復雜無序的中壓配電網化繁為簡,以供電網格為基本單元開展規劃并構建目標網架,提出了各類網格的過渡改造原則和網格管理思路。結果表明:利用網格化規劃方法開展中壓配電網規劃切實可行,具有較強的推廣性。
關鍵詞: 配電網;網格;規劃
中圖分類號:TM715 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)07-0005-03
Study on Medium-Voltage Distribution Network Grid Planning Method
LI Dong, TIAN Qiang
(Suzhou Power Supply Company, Suzhou 215004, China)
Abstract: Study was carried out for the medium-voltage distribution network grid planning method and introduction was made to the ideas, principles and actual steps of medium-voltage distribution network grid planning. Via grid planning, the distribution network power supply area was reasonably divided into power supply networks according to blocks, making the complicated and disorderly medium-voltage distribution network simplified. With the power supply network as basic units, the planning was developed and the target grid frame was built. This paper raised various grid’s transition reform principles and grid management ideas. The mediumvoltage distribution network grid planning method is actually feasible, with stronger popularization.
Key words: distribution network; grid; planning
[1] Q/GDW 1738-2012 配電網規劃設計技術導則[S].