1 太原供電公司,山西 太原 030012;2 國網電力科學研究院,湖北 武漢 430074
摘 要:針對現有冷卻器控制方式的不足,基于熱電類比理論建立了變壓器熱路模型,結合環境溫度及冷卻方式變化時模型參數的不同求取方法,制定了高效節能的冷卻器運行策略。在準確計算變壓器熱點溫度的基礎上,借助高可靠性、高精度的光纖溫度傳感器來獲得變壓器端部油溫,并結合冷卻器節能運行控制策略,有效避免了冷卻器冷卻能力過?,F象,保證了變壓器安全、穩定、經濟運行。
中圖分類號:TM411 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)08-0034-04
Study on Energy Saving Operation Control Strategy of Oil-Immersed Transformer Cooling System
GAO Rong-gui1, FENG Zhi-qian1, YU Peng1, ZHAO Rong1, QIN Xin1, WANG Shan-shan2
1 Taiyuan Power Supply Company, Taiyuan 030012, China;
2 State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, Wuhan 430074, China
Abstract: Aiming at insufficiency of the existing cooler control method, this paper built up a transformer thermal route model based on the thermoelectricity analogy method. Combined with different obtaining method in changes of environment temperature and cooling means, highly effective energy saving cooler operation strategy was made. On the basis of correct transformer thermal point temperature calculation, the fiber temperature sensor with high reliability and high accuracy could obtain transformer’s end part oil temperature value. Combined with cooler energy saving operation strategy, the system has effectively avoided cooler’s cooling capacity surplus situation, to have ensured transformer in safe, stable and economic operation.
Key words: oil-immersed transformer; thermoelectricity analogy method; energy saving and environmental protection; thermal point temperature; cooling system
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