1 天津大學 電氣與自動化工程學院,天津 300072;2 天津大學 教育學院,天津 300072
摘 要:結合智能配電網的特點,闡述了智能配電網自愈控制的體系架構、控制策略和關鍵技術,提出了自愈控制的“三層七單元”架構和控制策略選擇方案,并結合智能配電網含分布式電源的特點介紹了自愈控制關鍵技術,彌補了當前自愈控制未充分考慮智能配電網特點的缺陷,為智能配電網自愈控制的構建提供了依據。
中圖分類號:TM734 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)08-0001-05
Self-Healing Control and Its Key Technology in Smart Distribution Grid
YUAN Bo1, WANG Ying2
1 School of Electrical Engineering & Automation, Tientsin University, Tianjin 300072, China;2 School of Education, Tientsin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Abstract: Combining with the characteristics of smart distribution grid, this paper expounded the architecture, control strategy and key technology of self-healing control in smart distribution grid and proposed the “three-layer with seven-unit” architecture and the option method of control strategy. Combining with the characteristics of smart distribution grid containing distributed power, this paper introduced the key technology of self-healing control, so as to make up the defects of current self-healing control that the smart grid features were not fully considered at present, which provided the theoretical basis for the construction of self-healing control.
Key words: self-healing control; “three-layer with seven-unit” architecture; control strategy; distribution grid reconfiguration
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