(1 杭州市電力設計院,浙江 杭州 310009;2 國網杭州供電公司,浙江 杭州 310004;
3 浙江省電力經濟技術研究院,浙江 杭州 310007)
摘 要: 設計了一種安全、可靠的新型輸電線路巡檢系統,其主要特征在于將RFID 自動識別技術、3G 無線網絡傳輸技術以及定位精度較高的GPS 技術引入巡檢工作。介紹了新型輸電線路巡檢系統的框架結構,PDA 終端軟、硬件設計,以及PC 機服務器端的軟件設計。實際應用情況表明,該系統可有效監督工作人員到位巡檢,規范缺陷信息的記錄,縮短處理缺陷的響應時間,具有良好的推廣應用價值。
關鍵詞: 輸電線路;巡檢系統;無線射頻識別技術;第三代移動通信技術;全球定位系統
中圖分類號:TM726 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)09-0050-04
Design and Implementation of Intelligent Inspection System of Transmission Line
CHEN Liang1, WANG Bo2, JIANG Cai-ming3
(1 Hangzhou Electric Power Design Institute, Hangzhou 31 0009, China; 2 State Grid Hangzhou Power Supply Company,
Hangzhou 31 0004, China; 3 Zhejiang Research Institute of Economic Technology, Hangzhou 31 0007, China)
Abstract: A safe, reliable transmission line inspection system was designed. The main characteristics of the inspection system lies in introducing radio frequency identification (RFID) automatic identification technology, stable 3rd-generation (3G) wireless network transmission technology, and high positioning accuracy of global positioning system (GPS) technology to inspection working. Introduction was made to the frame structure of the system. The software and hardware of PDA, and the software of PC were designed and implemented. The application results show that the system can supervise staff in place inspection, record the standard defect information, and shorten the response time of the processing defects. It is of great promotion and application value.
Key words: transmission line; inspection system; radio frequency identification; 3rd-generation telecommunication; global positioning system
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