(蘇州大學 電子信息學院,江蘇 蘇州 215006)
摘 要: 設計了一種無線和有線融合的遠程監測系統。無線網絡是基于GSM 模塊的短信平臺實現遠程監測,有線網絡是基于TCP/IP 協議棧LWIP 協議實現遠程監控。該系統在Cortex-M3 架構的嵌入式芯片STM32F103RBT6 上實現,前端利用傳感器采集自然信號,經調理電路處理后,轉變成電壓量和數字量發送給微處理器,微處理器把數據以AT 指令的格式和網絡幀格式分別發送給GSM 模塊和網絡模塊,實現遠程監測,且GSM 模塊和網絡模塊可主動從微處理器獲取實時信息,減少了設備使用環境的局限性。
關鍵詞: 無線和有線融合;全球移動通信系統;LWIP 協議;遠程監控
中圖分類號:TM764 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)09-0036-003
Design of Remote Monitoring System Combined with Wireless and Lineate Networks
WANG Zhan-xiong, QU Bo
(School of Electronics and Information, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China)
Abstract: This paper designed a kind of remote monitoring system combined with wireless and lineate networks. The wireless network was based on the global system for mobile (GSM) module to realize remote monitoring and the lineate network was based on the TCP/IP protocol stack, LWIP protocol to realize remote monitoring. The whole system was finished by the embedded chip STM32F103RBT6 constructed by Cortex-M3. The front end used the transducer to collect nature signals. After treatment, the signals were turned into voltage values and data values which were sent to the microprocessor. The microprocessor took the data as AT-named form and network frame form to send to the GSM module and network module respectively to realize remote monitoring, in the meantime the GSM module and network module could obtain the real-time information from the microprocessor to reduce the limitations of operation environment of equipment greatly.
Key words: combination of wireless and lineate networks; global system for mobile; LWIP protocol; remote monitoring
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