華中科技大學 電氣與電子工程學院,湖北 武漢 430074
摘 要:針對國內35kV與20kV系統真空斷路器開斷并聯電抗器系統事故多發情況,開展35kV系統工況下的現場試驗,分析了開斷后的暫態過程及過電壓的機理,并在實驗室進行了20kV系統真空斷路器在額定電流下投切電抗器的截流試驗,研究截流值和過電壓規律。結果表明:截流過電壓幅值遠小于重燃過電壓,多次重燃過電壓是真空斷路器開斷并聯電抗器頻繁出現高過電壓的主要原因;在系統典型額定工況下,300A負載電流下的截流值比100A負載電流下小,真空斷路器的截流值隨著開斷電流的增大而減小的理論在系統額定電流下同樣成立。
中圖分類號:TM472;TM561.2 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)10-0037-04
Research on Overvoltage Test of Vacuum Circuit Breaker Switching-Off Shunt Reactor
LIU Cheng-sheng, CHEN Jun-wu
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
Abstract: As overvoltage failures frequently occur in vacuum circuit breakers switching-off shunt reactors of 35kV or 20kV power system, the field tests were carried out in the operating condition of 35kV power system. This paper analyzed the transient process caused by the opening operation and the overvoltage mechanism.The chopping current test of vacuum circuit breaker switching off shunt reactors was carried out under rated current condition in the laboratory. This paper researched the chopping current value and the overvoltage regulation. The results show that the overvoltage of chopping current is much smaller than multiple reignition overvoltage, and multiple reignition overvoltage is the main reason of overvoltage failures of vacuum circuit breakers switching-off shunt reactors. In the typical conditions of power system, the chopping current of 300A load current is smaller than that of 100A load current. The theory that the chopping current value of vacuum circuit breakers decreases with the increase of breaking current is completely true at rated high current.
Key words: vacuum circuit breaker; shunt reactor; chopping current; reignition overvoltage
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