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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    1 000 kV特高壓同塔雙回線路正序參數測試技術

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-04-06 14:06 瀏覽次數:32

    1 000 kV特高壓同塔雙回線路正序參數測試技術 

    (1 國網浙江嘉興供電公司,浙江 嘉興 314033;2 國網浙江省電力公司電力科學研究院,浙江 杭州
    310014;3 國網安徽六安供電公司,安徽 六安 237006)

    摘 要: 輸電線路正序參數是電網故障短路電流計算、短路接地故障點位置確定,正常運行時潮流、電壓損失計算,及繼電保護定值計算等工作的重要基礎。提出了1 000 kV 皖電東送特高壓同塔雙回線路皖南- 浙北段正序參數的測試方法,并進行了現場測試及數據分析。結果表明:采用大容量變頻電源和勵磁變試驗裝置,可提高測量信號與干擾信號間的信噪比,降低鄰近線路感應電壓干擾對特高壓線路工頻參數測試的影響;采用并聯電容補償法和異頻法相結合的綜合測試方法,可降低阻抗參數測試時感應電流的影響;皖南- 浙北特高壓線路正序參數宜采用異頻法得到的測試結果。
    關鍵詞: 皖電東送;特高壓;同塔雙回;工頻參數;正序阻抗;正序電容
    中圖分類號:TM726 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)11-0031-05

    Positive Sequence Parameter Measurement Technology of 1 000 kV UHV Double-Circuit Transmission Line on Same Tower 

    YANG Jing-wei1, WANG Shao-hua2, JIANG Bao3, CUI Zhu-ye2, LI Te2 
    (1 State Grid Zhejiang Jiaxing Power Supply Company, Jiaxing 31 4033 , China; 2 State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute, Hangzhou 31 0014, China; 3 State Grid Anhui Lu’an Power Supply Company, Lu’an 237006, China) 

    Abstract: Positive sequence parameters of transmission line are important foundation for short-circuit fault current calculation, shortcircuit ground fault location, power flow and voltage loss calculation, and relay protection setting calculation. Anhui-to-East ultra high voltage (UHV) power transmission line is the first 1 000 kV double-circuit line on the same tower in the world. The measuring method of positive sequence parameters of Wannan-Zhebei transmission line was proposed. The field test was implemented and the test data was analyzed. The results show that the use of large-capacity variable-frequency power source and excitation transformer can improve the signal-to-noise ratio of measuring signal to interfering signal. Then, the influence of interfering voltage induced by adjacent lines on the frequency parameter measurement of UHV transmission line can be reduced. The combined use of parallel capacitance compensation method and non-power frequency method can reduce the influence of the induced current when measuring the impedance parameter. For the positive sequence parameter test of Wannan-Zhebei UHV transmission line, it is appropriate to adopt the test results obtained by non-power frequency method.
              Key words: Anhui-to-East power transmission; ultra high voltage; double-circuit line on same tower; frequency parameter; positive sequence impedance; positive sequence capacitance

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