平高集團有限公司,河南 平頂山 467001
摘 要:介紹了傳統的固封極柱及其潛在問題,設計了一種新型的固封極柱用的下出線座及軟連接,通過對比新老固封極柱的零部件外形和安裝方法,證明新型固封極柱較傳統的固封極柱具有回路電阻小、裝配效率提升、成本降低的優點。
中圖分類號:TM561 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)12-0051-03
Improvement of a Kind of Solid-Insulation-Embedded Pole Outlet Line Structure
ZHANG Hong-tie, JIANG Guan-yu, FENG Xiang-wei
Pinggao Group Co., Ltd, Pingdingshan 467001, China
Abstract: Introduction was made to the traditional solid-insulation-embedded pole and its potential problems. This paper designed a new kind of outlet line under seat used for the solid-insulation-embedded pole and its flexible joint. By contrast to the components shape and installation method of new and old solid-insulation-embedded pole, it is verified that the new type of solid-insulation-embedded pole is with smaller resistor, higher efficiency of assembly, lower cost than that of traditional solid-insulation-embedded pole.
Key words: solid-insulation-embedded pole; outlet line under seat; flexible joint
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