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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    ±500 kV換流站極間和站間通信故障分析

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-04-06 15:06 瀏覽次數:16

    ±500 kV換流站極間和站間通信故障分析 

    國網四川省電力公司檢修公司,四川 成都 610000 

    摘 要:針對某換流站極間和站間通信同時發生故障問題,根據極間和站間通信的設計分析了故障原因,極間和站間通信設計不符合冗余系統相互獨立的原則,RS9312板卡上電容損壞是導致故障的起因,而極間和站間通信的設計缺陷則是造成故障的主要原因。研究了極間和站間通信故障對極控系統的影響,并提出了改進措施,為避免類似故障的發生提供參考。
    中圖分類號:TM721.1 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)12-0039-03

    Analysis of Telecommunication Faults Between Poles and Stations in ?500 kV Converter Station 

    TU Zhi-bo, HE Lv-lv 
    Overhaul Company of State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Corporation, Chengdu 610000, China 

    Abstract: Aiming at the problems of telecommunication faults between poles and stations occurring in a converter station at the same time, this paper analyzed the fault cause according to the design of telecommunication between poles and stations. There were two reasons causing faults, one was that the design of telecommunication between poles and stations wasn’t conform to the rule that redundant systems were independent of each other, the other was that the capacitance was broken in RS9312 circuit board, moreover, the design deficiency of telecommunication between poles and stations was the main reason. This paper studied the impact of telecommunication fault between poles and stations on pole control system, putting forward the corresponding improved measures which provide certain reference value for avoiding the similar fault.
               Key words:pole control system; telecommunication between poles; telecommunication between stations

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