國網甘肅省電力公司電力科學研究院,甘肅 蘭州 730050
摘 要:闡述了變壓器直流偏磁產生的原因,介紹了由地磁擾動引起的地磁感應電流和直流輸電產生的地中直流,研究了直流偏磁對變壓器的影響,并通過對酒泉地區變壓器偏磁電流、振動以及噪聲進行測試和分析,證實了變壓器直流偏磁的嚴重程度受偏磁電流大小的影響。依據實測結果,比較了兩種中性點直流電流測量方法,認為電阻法適合測量中性點單點接地的變壓器,而傳感器法適合測量中性點有多個接地點的變壓器。
中圖分類號:TM401+.1 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)12-0026-05
Study on Mechanism of Transformer DC Magnetic Bias and Its Current Measurement
LIU Kang, WEN Ding-jun, HU Chun-jiang, ZHANG Xiu-bin, HE Wei
Electric Power Research Institute of Gansu Electric Power Corporation, Lanzhou 730050, China
Abstract:Description was made on the causes of transformer DC magnetic bias generation and introduction was made to grounding magnetic induction current caused by grounding magnetic disturbance and grounding current caused by DC transmission. This paper studied impact of DC magnetic bias on transformer and carried out measurements and analysis for Jiuquan area transformer magnetic bias current, vibration and noises, which proved that the severity degree of transformer DC magnetic bias was depended on the magnetic bias current value. According to actual measurement result, this paper compared two kinds of neutral point grounding DC current measurements methods. It is considered that resistance method is better for transformer with neutral point single grounding and sensor method is better for neutral point with multiple grounding transformers.
Key words: transformer; DC magnetic bias; neutral point; DC current measurement
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