(許昌許繼德理施爾電氣有限公司,河南 許昌 461000)
摘 要:為了實現氣體絕緣金屬封閉開關設備(C-GIS) 的三工位隔離開關的智能控制,提出了利用32位MCU 設計三工位開關智能控制器的方案,并給出了軟硬件設計流程,實現了三工位隔離開關遠方/ 就地控制與保護等多種功能。該控制器已通過電磁兼容及功能驗證試驗等一系列試驗,具有抗干擾能力強、集成度高、功能完善、智能化程度高等特點。
中圖分類號:TM571 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2016)03-0025-04
Research on Intelligent Controller for Three-Position Isolation Switch Based on Microcontroller
LI Jun-hao, WU Xiaozhao,
BAI Wei-zheng, LI Meng, ZHAI He-peng
(Xuchang XJ-Driescher·Wegberg Electric Co., Ltd, Xuchang 461000, China)
Abstract: In order to achieve the three-position isolation switch intelligent control of C-GIS, this paper presented a scheme which used 32-bit microcontroller to design the three-position isolation switch intelligent controller, giving the design flow of hardware and software, to realize the remote and local control and some other functions. This controller passed electromagnetic compatibility test, functional verification test and a series of experiments, with strong capacity of resisting disturbance, high integration level, functional maturation and high intelligence etc characteristics.
Key words: three-position isolation switch; microcontroller; intelligent control
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