(山東科技大學 電氣工程與自動化學院,山東 青島 266590)
摘 要: 闡述了配網自動化含義和組成,結合平度市配網自動化實際,分析了在配網自動化改造過程中遇到的問題和具體改造過程,介紹了平度市應用較廣泛的兩種饋線自動化模式,并對故障發生時兩種模式特點作了詳細比較,為相關人員提供了參考。
關鍵詞: 升級改造;配網自動化;饋線自動化;運維模式
中圖分類號:TM727;TN915.02 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2015)07-0024-04
Research on Distribution Network Automation System Construction and Operation Mode in Pingdu
ZHANG Rong-hao, CHEN Er-kui, ZHEN Xiao-kun, HOU Wen-long, MIAO Quan-tang
(College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China)
Abstract: This paper expounded the implication and composition of distribution network automation. Combining with the actual distribution network automation in Pingdu, this paper analyzed the problems met in the process of distribution network automation reformation and the concrete reformation process. Introduction was made to the two kinds of feeder automation modes widely used in Pingdu and the characteristics of the two modes were compared, which provides references of the relevant personnel.
Key words: upgrading and rebuilding; distribution network automation; feeder automation; operation mode
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