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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-05-26 15:26 瀏覽次數:8
    (山東核電有限公司,山東 煙臺 265116)
        摘  要:安全殼內電纜對核電廠安全運行和安全停堆起著重要作用。介紹了AP1000核電廠安全殼內電纜鑒定的主要項目和方法,探討了熱老化試驗、輻照老化試驗、DBA試驗、長期浸沒試驗等關鍵試驗,分析了試驗過程中面臨的問題并給出了解決辦法,為核電廠電纜鑒定試驗以及完善國內相關規范標準提供參考。
    中圖分類號:TM247   文獻標識碼:A   文章編號:1007-3175(2016)04-0049-04
    Research on Qualification Tests of Cables in Containment for AP1000 Nuclear Power Plant
    ZHENG Hai-long
    (Shandong Nuclear Power Company Ltd, Yantai 265116, China)
        Abstract: The cables in containment are very important for safety operation and safety shutdown of the nuclear plant. Introduction was made to the main tests process and methods of cables in containment for AP1000 nuclear power plant. This paper discussed some important tests, such as heat ageing test, radiation aging test, DBA test, long-term immersion test etc and analyzed the confronting problem during test process, giving the solutions, which provides references for the cables qualification test in nuclear power plant and the improvement of domestic correlation code standards.
        Key words: cables in containment; heat ageing test; radiation ageing test; DBA test; immersion test; special test
     [1] 陳丹.核電站電纜選擇要點技術[J].中國核電,2012(2):166-171.


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