(1 貴州電力設計研究院,貴州 貴陽 550002;2 中機中聯工程有限公司,重慶 400039)
摘 要:根據DL/T 621—1997《交流電氣裝置的接地》和GB/T 50065—2011《交流電氣裝置的接地設計規范》中對變電站接地網的相關設計要求,以某500kV變電站土壤電阻率測試結果為基礎,對兩個規范中用到的工頻接地電阻、轉移電位、接觸電位差、跨步電位差等重要參數指標進行對比計算分析,得出兩本規范之間的異同,并分析了差異產生的原因,供相關設計人員參考。
中圖分類號:TM63 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2016)04-0021-05
Comparative Analysis Between Substation Grounding Grid
Layout and Differences from Design Specifications
WU Xiao-gang1, YU Tao2
(1 Guizhou Electric Power Design & Research Institute, Guiyang 550002, China;
2 CMCU Engineering Co., Ltd, Chongqing 400039, China)
Abstract: According the requirements of grounding grid design in substation which quote from Grounding for AC electrical installations (DL/T 621—1997) and code for design of AC electrical installations earthing (GB/T 50065—2011), based on the earth resistivity test results in 500kV substation, this paper carried out analysis of contrast calculation for important parameter indexes including industrial frequency earthing resistance, shifting potential, contact potential difference and step potential difference between the two specifications. The similarities and differences between the two specifications were obtained and the caused reasons were analyzed to provide references for the relevant designers.
Key words: substation grounding grid; grounding resistance; touch voltage; step voltage; thermal stability test
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