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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-05-27 08:27 瀏覽次數:9
    (國網合肥供電公司,安徽 合肥 230022)
        摘  要:設計了一種基于電流控制的海洋波浪發電裝置,利用雙浮筒結構和永磁直線發電機直接地(直驅式)把海洋波浪能轉換成電能的結構模型,采用基于Park變換理論的直線發電機電流控制方法,通過控制直線發電機的q軸電流,實現對海洋波浪發電裝置的優化控制。通過海試實驗結果分析表明,在自然狀態下,海洋波浪發電裝置的運行效率和穩定性受到海洋環境的約束,采用直線發電機電流控制的方法后,有效提高了該裝置的運行效率和穩定性。
    中圖分類號:TM619;P743.2   文獻標識碼:A       文章編號:1007-3175(2016)04-0017-04
    An Ocean Wave Energy Generation Device Based on Current Control Method
    CHEN Zhong-xian, HU Yi-ping
    (State Grid Hefei Power Supply Company, Hefei 230022, China)
        Abstract: An ocean wave energy generation device was designed and constructed. Double float bowl structure and direct drive permanent magnet linear generation were used to change the structural model of ocean wave energy into that of electric energy. The linear generation current control method based on Park conversion theory was adopted to realize optimal control for the ocean wave energy generation device by controlling linear generation q shaft current. Analysis of ocean wave experiment results show that under natural state, the operating efficiency and stability of the ocean wave energy generation device were constrained by marine environment. The adopted linear generation current control method improves the efficiency and stability of ocean wave energy generation device.
      Key words: ocean wave energy generation; linear generation; current control; Park conversion
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