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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-05-27 09:27 瀏覽次數:10
    (國網乳山市供電公司,山東 乳山 264500)
        摘  要:介紹了主動配電網(ADN)背景下分布式電源(DG)接入對配電網電壓分布和電壓穩定性影響,從電網結構優化調壓措施、電網設備的調壓措施、電力系統無功優化調度調壓措施等方面闡述了ADN無功電壓控制方法?;诋斍把芯楷F狀,總結了現有關于ADN無功電壓控制研究存在的不足,并指出了在未來亟待解決的幾個問題。
    中圖分類號:TM761+.1          文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2016)04-0001-06
    Research Overview on Reactive Power Voltage Control Method Under Background of Active Distribution Network
    NI Peng, SUN Fu-rong
    (State Grid Rushan Power Supply Company, Rushan 264500, China)
        Abstract: Introduction was made to the impacts of distributed generation (DG) access under background of active distribution network (ADN) on the voltage distribution of DG and voltage stability. This paper expounded on the ADN reactive power voltage control method from the aspects of pressure regulating measures of power network structure optimization, power network equipment, optimal reactive power dispatch of power system and so on. Based on the current research status, this paper summarized the shortcomings existing in the research on ADN reactive power voltage control and pointed out several problems which are much-needed to solve in the future.
        Key words: distributed generation; active distribution network; reactive power voltage
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