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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-05-30 13:30 瀏覽次數:9
    (1 常州東芝舒電變壓器有限公司,江蘇 常州 213012;2 南京理工大學,江蘇 南京 210094)
        摘 要:擴大有載調容變壓器的適用范圍有利于該產品的推廣應用。從可靠性、經濟性兩方面對兩種有載調容變壓器大小容量組合方案進行了對比分析,認為小容量下的短路阻抗值不應作為大小容量組合的約束條件,應根據變壓器實際安裝場合的負荷波動大小按經濟運行要求來選擇,采用S13 型節能型產品,適當提高小容量額定值,有利于減少一次性投入,獲得較好的經濟效益和社會效益。
    中圖分類號:TM402 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2016)05-0056-04
    Discuss on Selection of Technical Parameters of On-Load Capacity Regulating Transformer
    ZHU Li-hua1, ZHU Bing-ying2
    (1 Changzhou Toshiba Shudian Transformer Co., Ltd, Changzhou 213012, China;
    2 Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)
        Abstract: Expanding the application of on-load capacity regulating transformer is beneficial to the popularization of it. Two kinds of on-load capacity regulating transformers, which were different from the combination of high and low capacity, were carried out comparison and analysis on the reliability and economical efficiency. The short-circuit impedance value under low capacity should not be taken as the constraint condition of combined capacity size, but make a choice according to load fluctuation of transformer practical installation site and economic operation requirement. The S13-type energy-saving products were adopted to raise the low capacity rating appropriately, which is conducive to decrease primary input-cost and can obtain good economic and social benefits.
        Key words: on-load capacity regulating; short-circuit impedance; load fluctuation
    [1] 劉長江,龍世熠. 智能型有載調容變壓器設計分析[J]. 科技視界,2014(5):291.
    [2] 王冬冬,樸在林,趙立鄴,鄭鈺. 有載自動調容配電變壓器及其動態降損節能效益分析[ J ] . 農業工程學報,2010,26(S2):135-140.


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