(1 哈爾濱電機廠有限責任公司,黑龍江 哈爾濱 150040;
2 東北林業大學 工程技術學院,黑龍江 哈爾濱 150040)
摘 要:針對溪洛渡電站水輪發電機組自身的結構特點,通過使用專用的測量工具,精確計算打鍵緊量,合理安排打鍵緊量沿磁軛軸向的分布并配置階梯墊片,嚴格控制加熱及降溫過程中的溫度變化,經機組過速試驗和實際運行,該工藝方法保證了此電站磁軛的安裝質量。
中圖分類號:TM312 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2016)08-0051-03
Research on Hydro-Generator Magnet Yoke Heat Manipulation
Process in Xiluodu Power Station
ZHU Jun1, LV Han2
(1 Harbin Electric Machinery Company Limited, Harbin 150040, China;
2 College of Engineering & Technology, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China)
Abstract: In allusion to the self structural features of hydroelectric generating sets in Xiluodu power station, this paper used the specialized measuring tool to carry out refined calculation for the manipulation preloading, reasonably arranged the manipulation preloading along the distributed and configured ladder gaskets of magnet yoke axial and strictly controlled the temperature variation during the processes of heating and cooling. After the sets overspeed test and actual running, this process method guarantees the installation quality of this power station magnet yoke.
Key words: magnet yoke heat manipulation; preloading; technique method; special tools
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