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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-08-18 14:18 瀏覽次數:12
    (江蘇省電力設計院,江蘇 南京 211102)
        摘 要:介紹了工程中常用的兩種公式計算電網母線電壓降的方法,以某工廠電動機負荷接入系統起動為例進行仿真,分析了起動時間、起動功率因數等對母線電壓降的影響。公式與仿真計算比較表明,母線短路容量越大,公式與仿真計算電壓降結果越接近;公式計算方法的輸入條件僅為電網及電動機的一些穩態參數,無法體現起動時間、起動功率因數等對母線電壓降的影響;工程實際應用中如果數據充分,建議采用仿真方法計算電動機起動時電網母線電壓降。
        中圖分類號:TM32;TM744   文獻標識碼:A   文章編號:1007-3175(2016)08-0015-04
    Comparison on Formula and Simulation Calculation of
    Grid Voltage Drop at Time of Motor Starting
    ZHANG Man, NIU Tao, GUO Xue-ying
    (Jiangsu Electric Power Design Institute, Nanjing 2111 02, China)
        Abstract: Introduction was made to two commonly used methods in practical engineering for calculating grid busbar voltage drop. This paper took the motor load access system starting of a factory for example and carried out simulation. Analysis was made to the starting time and the starting power factor etc impacts of busbar voltage drop. The calculation and comparison of formula and simulation show that the larger the busbar short-circuit capacity is, the smaller the difference between formula and simulation of voltage drop is. The input conditions of formula calculation are just some steady state parameters of grid and motor, so they cannot reflect the influence of some other parameters on grid voltage drop, such as the starting time and the starting power factor and so on. This paper recommends that the simulation method can be adopted in practical engineering to get grid voltage drop if the condition allows.
        Key words: motor starting; voltage drop; simulation calculation; formula calculation
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