(湖南省送變電工程公司,湖南 長沙 410007)
摘 要:介紹了一種新型的預制式光纖敷設工藝,應用集成式的方法對光纖進行敷設及整理,采用精密加工的光纖托盤固定光纖預制端,采用帶開口的塑料子管保護已經捆綁的光纖終端,并通過計算確保光纖及尾纖的轉彎半徑敷設滿足光纖傳輸技術要求,以保證光纖信號的傳輸質量。經實際工程應用表明,經濟效益明顯,預制光纖敷設觀感質量良好。
關鍵詞:智能變電站;預制式光纖;工藝質量;CAD 排版技術
中圖分類號:TM63 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2016)09-0055-03
Research and Application of Laying and Arrangement
Method of Prefabricated Fiber in Substation
(Hunan Transmission and Transformation Engineering Company, Changsha 410007, China)
Abstract: Introduction was made to a new type of method for laying prefabricated fiber. The integrated type of method was applied to carry out fiber laying and arrangement. The precision machined optical fiber tray fixed the prefabricated fiber terminal. The plastic sub-tube with open end protected the bundled optical fiber terminal. The calculation ensured that the laying radius of turning circle of optical and pigtail would meet the requirement of optical fiber transmission technology, so as to guarantee the transmission quality of optical signals. The practical engineering application shows that the economic benefit is obvious and the appearance quality of laying prefabricated fiber is good.
Key words: intelligent substation; prefabricated fiber; process quality; CAD typographic skills
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