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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-11-17 13:17 瀏覽次數:8
    (江南機電設計研究所,貴州 貴陽 550003)
        摘 要:提出了一種基于云平臺的風電場斷路器在線監測系統,介紹了其架構、組成及設計方案。將整個監控系統網絡分成兩層,利用Zigbee 無線通信技術把風電場內的所有斷路器組成內部測控網,利用云平臺和3G-DTU 將Zigbee 測控網接入互聯網,用戶根據自己的實際需求,通過云平臺開發各種適合自身需求的在線監控系統。該方案解決了風電場斷路器實現無線組網測控的實際工程化問題,安裝方便,成本低廉。
        關鍵詞:云平臺;Zigbee 通信;斷路器;監測管理
        中圖分類號:TM561;TM73     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2016)11-0051-05
    Design of Online Monitoring System for Wind Farm Circuit
    Breaker Based on Cloud Platform
    ZHAO Rong-kang
    (Jiangnan Electrical and Mechanical Designing Institute, GuiYang 550003, China)
        Abstract: This paper raised a kind of online monitoring system for circuit breakers in wind farm based on the cloud platform. Introduction was made to its architecture, composition and designing scheme. The whole monitoring system network was divided into two layers. The internal control network in wind farm was composed by all circuit breakers with Zigbee wireless communication technology. The control network of Zigbee accessed to the Internet by the cloud platform and 3G-DTU. Users could develop their own online monitoring system through the cloud platform. This scheme solves the practical engineering problem of realizing the wireless network measurement and control for the circuit breakers in wind farm, with easy installation and low cost.
        Key words: cloud platform; Zigbee communication; circuit breaker; monitoring and management
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