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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-11-17 13:17 瀏覽次數:8
    (許繼電氣股份有限公司,河南 許昌 461000)
        摘 要:介紹了國家標準對互感器諧波要求和羅氏線圈電子式電流互感器原理,總結了羅氏線圈電子式電流互感器諧波測量的簡單實用方法,通過高精度諧波源配合標準電流互感器和互感器校驗儀對電子式電流互感器進行了諧波測試。結果表明:該方法適用性強,操作簡單,極大地豐富了諧波的測試方法。
        中圖分類號:TM452     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2016)11-0047-04
    Research on Harmonic Measurement Method of Rogowski
    Coil Electronic Current Transformer
    CHAI Hong-wei, FAN Dong-dong, LI Bao-ming, WANG Xiao-li, ZHANG Gai-jie, DENG Ming-xiu
    (XJ Electric Co., Ltd, Xuchang 461000, China)
        Abstract: Introduction was made to the harmonic requirements of transformer from the national standard and the Rogowski coil electronic current transformer principle. This paper summarized the simple and useful method of harmonic measurement of Rogowski coil electronic current transformer. Harmonic testing of electronic current transformer could be carried out with the high precision harmonic sources and standard current transformer and transformer calibrator. The results show that this method has strong applicability and simple operation, which greatly enriches the testing method of harmonics.
        Key words: harmonic test; electronic current transformer; high precision harmonic source; transformer calibrator
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