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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-11-17 15:17 瀏覽次數:9
    (常州供電公司,江蘇 常州 213000)
        摘 要:介紹了一起4 星形電壓互感器零序電壓反充電事故處理過程,并對事故原因進行了分析,該事故因電壓并列回路誤接線引起,在10 kV 系統單相接地時發生??紤]到該事故因變電站擴建時誤接線引起,對類似擴建工程二次施工提出了合理施工方案,以避免類似事故發生。
        關鍵詞:4 星形電壓互感器;零序電壓;反充電
        中圖分類號:TM451     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2016)11-0025-03
    Zero Sequence Voltage Anti-Charging Incident Analysis of
    4-Star Connection Potential Transformer
    ZHANG Guan-ying, CHU Guo-wei, ZHANG Xiong-wei, ZHOU Zhi-gang
    (Changzhou Power Supply Company, Changzhou 213000, China)

        Abstract: Introduction was made to a case of zero sequence voltage anti-charging incident of 4-star connection potential transformer (PT) and analysis was made to the accident cause. The incident caused by the false wiring of voltage parallel circuit happened when single phase was grounding in 10 kV system. Considering the incident was due to false wiring at the time of substation expansion, this paper proposed the reasonable construction scheme for the secondary circuit construction of similar expansion project to avoid the occurrence of similar incidents.
        Key words: 4-star connection potential transformer; zero sequence voltage; anti-charging
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