40.5 kV固封極柱的設計及工藝優化
(許繼集團有限公司,河南 許昌 461000)
摘 要:針對40.5 kV 固封極柱在生產過程中因出現絕緣擊穿或澆鑄過程中環氧樹脂漏料造成生產成品率下降的情況,建立真空斷路器模型,對固封極柱內部結構進行有限元電場優化設計,并采取在真空滅弧室硅膠層均勻涂抹底涂劑,固封極柱下出線座與真空滅弧室硅膠層之間采用雙重密封結構等方法對工藝進行優化。試驗結果表明,優化設計后的固封極柱提高了產品的合格率及整體性能。
中圖分類號:TM561.2 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2016)12-0052-04
Design and Process Optimization of 40.5 kV Solid-Insulation-Embedded Poles
JI Jiang-hui, ZHANG Jie, WANG Xiao-li, WANG Peng, ZHI Jiao-jiao
(XJ Group Corporation, Xuchang 461000, China)
Abstract: The yield of 40.5 kV solid-insulation-embedded poles declined when they had insulation breakdown in the process of production or the leakage of epoxy in the process of casting production. This paper established the vacuum circuit breaker model to carry out finite element optimization design for the interior structure of solid-insulation-embedded poles, with silica gel layer painted over silane coupling agent in vacuum arc-extinguishing chamber, with double seal structure adopted between the outgoing line seat of solid-insulation-embedded poles and the silica gel layer in vacuum arc-extinguishing chamber to optimize technology. The test results show that the solid-insulation-embedded poles optimal designed raises the yield of products and the whole performance.
Key words: insulation breakdown; solid-insulation-embedded poles; electric field; finite element; double seal
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