(三峽大學 新能源微電網湖北省協同創新中心,湖北 宜昌 443002)
摘 要:變壓器的油紙絕緣系統可等效為Debye 電路模型來模擬其復雜極化過程?;贒ebye 模型等值電路參數與油紙絕緣的頻域介電特征量的關系式,利用測量的頻域介電特征量建立辨識Debye 等值電路參數的優化模型,通過粒子群優化算法辨識出Debye 電路模型中的參數值。利用辨識出的電路參數值計算油紙絕緣系統的介質損耗值,并與測量值比較,其絕對誤差在8% 以內。研究結果表明,提出的辨識電路參數的方法能有效用于分析油紙絕緣的極化特性,為利用頻域介電譜診斷變壓器油紙絕緣狀態提供新的研究思路。
關鍵詞:油紙絕緣;頻域介電譜;Debye 模型;介質損耗;參數辨識
中圖分類號:TM403.3 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2017)01-0018-04
Analysis of Frequency Domain Dielectric Spectrum Properties of
Transformer Oil Paper Insulation Based on Debye Model
LIU Ya-qin, ZHANG Tao
(New Energy Microgrid Collaborative Innovation Center, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China)
Abstract: In order to analyze the complex polarization process of oil paper insulation system, the oil-paper insulation system of transformers can be simplified to Debye equivalent circuit model. On the basis of the relationship between the equivalent circuit parameters of Debye model and the frequency domain dielectric characteristic quantity of oil paper insulation, this paper utilized the measured frequency domain dielectric characteristic quantity to establish the optimization model to identify Debye equivalent circuit parameters and the parameters values of Debye model were identified by the particle swarm optimization algorithm. The dielectric loss of oil paper insulation system was calculated by the identification of circuit parameters values. The absolute error was less than 8%. The research results show that the proposed identification parameters method could be effectively used to analyze the polarization characteristics of oil paper insulation, which provides the new research thought of using the frequency domain dielectric to diagnose oil paper insulation condition of transformers.
Key words: oil paper insulation; frequency domain dielectric spectrum; Debye model; dielectric loss; parameter identification
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