(山東科技大學 電氣與自動化工程學院,山東 青島 266590)
摘 要:根據單相兩級式隔離型光伏并網發電系統,設計出前級BOOST 升壓電路以及后級逆變電路,并分析了其系統控制,計算了BOOST 電路以及低通濾波的元器件參數,搭建了MATLAB/Simulink 仿真電路,經仿真實驗,證明該兩級式隔離型光伏并網發電系統輸出電流波形失真度小,頻率相位特性滿足并網要求。
關鍵詞:兩級式光伏并網;系統控制;電感計算;電容計算;MATLAB/Simulink 仿真
中圖分類號:TM615 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2017)01-0013-05
Two-Stage Grid Connected Photovoltaic Power Generation System
Regular Research and Simulation
XIAO Jian-dong, SHEN You-jian, ZHANG Ying-liang
(College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China)
Abstract: According to the single phase two stages of isolated photovoltaic grid connected power generation system, this paper designed the preceding stage BOOST circuit and the later stage inverter topology circuit, analyzed the system control, calculated the BOOST circuit and lowpass filter components parameters and built the Simulink simulation circuit in MATLAB. The simulation experiments prove that the two-stage isolated photovoltaic grid connected power generation system output waveform distortion is small. The system meets the requirements of grid connected frequency phase characteristics.
Key words: two-stage grid connected photovoltaic; system control; inductance calculation; capacitance calculation; Simulink simulation in MATLAB
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