(國網漳州供電公司,福建 漳州 363000)
摘 要:介紹了一起在狀態檢修體系中發現的110 kV 電容式電壓互感器(CVT) 的故障案例,通過綜合應用紅外測溫和油色譜技術進行狀態診斷,初步判斷B 相電壓互感器(PT) 內部存在嚴重過熱現象,結合電氣試驗、解體檢查等方法驗證了該狀態檢修的故障診斷結果,反映出狀態檢修體系能有效地掌握電壓互感器的運行狀況,及時、準確地進行故障診斷。
中圖分類號:TM451 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2017)03-0035-03
Application of Condition-Based Maintenance Technology in Voltage Transformer Fault Diagnosis
CHENG Zhu-yuan
(State Grid Zhangzhou Electric Power Supply Company, Zhangzhou 363000, China)
Abstract: Introduction was made to a fault case of 11 0 kV capacitive voltage transformer (CVT) founded in condition-based maintenance system. The system integrated the application of infrared thermometry and oil chromatographic technique to carry out state diagnosis. It was initially judged that there existed serious overheating phenomena inside the B-phase voltage transformer. The electrical test and the strip inspection etc. methods were used to verify the results of fault diagnosis, which embodies that the condition-based maintenance system could effectively grasp the running state of voltage transformer and diagnosis faults timely and accurately.
Key words: infrared thermometry technique; oil chromatographic technique; capacitive voltage transformer (CVT); electrical test; equipment disintegration
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