(合肥供電公司,安徽 合肥 230022)
摘 要:闡述了GOOSE報文傳輸機制,以220 kV某智能變電站在實際運行過程中出現的GOOSE斷鏈為例,依據GOOSE 斷鏈時的故障現象分析出GOOSE 斷鏈的原因是測控裝置到智能終端的鏈路存在問題,提出了解決方案,并給出了預防與此相似的GOOSE 斷鏈缺陷出現的措施。
關鍵詞:智能變電站 ;GOOSE 斷鏈;解決方案
中圖分類號:TM63;TM73 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2017)03-0028-04
Analysis and Process of GOOSE Chain Scission in Intelligent Substation
WANG Fei, SU Tao, ZHU Zhi-hong, YU Shu-qin, HU Xiao-jun
(Hefei Power Supply Company, Hefei 230022, China)
Abstract: This paper expounded the transmission mechanism of GOOSE message. Taking GOOSE chain scission occurring in actual operation in 220 kV smart substation for example, this paper analyzed the reason of GOOSE chain scission based on the fault phenomenon of GOOSE chain scission. There existed problems from the measuring and control device to the intelligent terminal. This paper gave the solution and measures to prevent the similar defects of GOOSE chain scission.
Key words: smart substation; GOOSE chain scission; solution
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