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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2017-03-24 10:24 瀏覽次數:3
    (1 國網荊門供電公司,湖北 荊門 448000;2 三峽大學 電氣與新能源學院,湖北 宜昌 443002)
        摘 要:為解決爬山搜索法等傳統光伏發電最大功率跟蹤(MPPT) 控制的動態響應速度和穩定性難以兼顧,粒子群優化模糊控制等智能MPPT 控制復雜且計算量大的不足,引入光伏電池的工程數學模型,采用最大功率傳輸定理分析MPPT 的本質。針對光伏板上光照強度、溫度及負載阻抗可測量,爬山搜索法無需知道光伏板所處環境狀態,提出了利用外界光照、溫度來給定最大功率參考值,實現輸出功率的初步最大跟蹤,當輸出功率接近理論最大輸出功率時,利用變步長爬山搜索法完成最大輸出功率準確跟蹤的改進型MPPT 算法。仿真結果表明,所提的算法能快速完成MPPT 功能,具有良好的動態響應能力和跟蹤穩定性。
        中圖分類號:TM615     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2017)03-0001-05
    Control Study on Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaic System Based on
    Impedance Matching and Hill-Climbing Search Method
    LIU Lin1, LU Yue-e2
    (1 State Grid Jingmen Power Supply Company, Jingmen 448000, China;
    2 College of Electrical Engineering & Renewable Energy, Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China)
        Abstract: Because the dynamic response speed and stability of the traditional photovoltaic maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control such as hill-climbing search method are difficult to balance, particle swarm fuzzy optimization control and other intelligent MPPT control is complex and needs large amount of calculation, this paper introduced the engineering mathematic model of photovoltaic cells and used the maximum power transfer theorem to analyze the essence of MPPT. For the light intensity, temperature on the photovoltaic panels and load impedance could be measured, and the hill-climbing search method did not require the measurement of the photovoltaic panel’s environment condition, this paper proposed to use outside light and temperature to give the maximum power reference value, so as to realize the initial maximum power output tracking. When the output power closed to the theoretical maximum output power, the variable step hill-climbing search method was used to complete the improved MPPT algorithm of maximum power output tracking accurately. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can quickly complete the MPPT function, with good dynamic response ability and tracking stability.
        Key words: photovoltaic power generation; impedance matching; hill-climbing search method; maximum power point tracking; simulation
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