(國網浙江省電力公司檢修分公司,浙江 杭州 311232)
摘 要:變壓器繞組溫度因表計卡澀或附加溫升回路異常時常造成溫度誤差過大、TA 開路等,使得現場和監控系統無法對繞組溫度進行有效監視。提出一種高壓電抗器繞組溫度的臨時監視方法,在現場油溫表計上標注高壓電抗器附加溫升,將附加溫升作為繞組溫度表計的基礎讀數,實現繞組溫度就地監視;同時監控系統的繞組溫度由油溫與廠家提供的附加溫升或高壓側電流軟件模擬附加溫升取得,無需停電,即可實現高壓電抗器繞組溫度的就地和遠方監視,實際案例驗證了該方法的有效性。
中圖分類號:TM47 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2017)04-0043-03
Disposal and Temporary Monitoring Method for a Case of Abnormal Temperature in High-Voltage Reactor Winding
LI Xian-peng, LIU Jie, GU Yong-di, CHENG Xing-min
(Overhaul Branch of State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company, Hangzhou 311 232, China)
Abstract: Because of the metering jam or abnormal circuit of additional temperature rise, the transformer winding temperature will have big errors with open circuit to make the scene and the monitoring system unable to carry out effective monitoring for the winding temperature. This paper raised a kind of temporary monitoring method for high-voltage reactor winding temperature, labeling additional temperature rise of high-voltage reactor on site oil temperature meter. The additional temperature rise was acted as the basic reading of winding temperature metering, so as to realize the winding temperature monitoring locally, meanwhile the winding temperature of the monitoring system was provided by oil temperature or additional temperature rise of the vender, as well as the current software simulated additional temperature rise at high-voltage side, without outage, the system could realize locally and remotely monitoring the high-voltage reactor winding temperature. The practical case verifies the validity of this method.
Key words: high-voltage reactor pressure; winding temperature; additional temperature rise; temporary monitoring method
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