(福建省電力勘測設計院,福建 福州 350001)
摘 要:高壓廠用電電源母線作為連接高壓廠用變壓器低壓側和高壓廠用配電裝置之間的關鍵導體,對火力發電廠的安全運行意義重大。介紹了大型火力發電廠高壓廠用電母線型式、原則接線及參數,分析了小離相封閉母線和共箱封閉母線的結構、優缺點和運行業績,并對兩者進行了技術和經濟比較,推薦小離相封閉母線在沿海大型火力發電廠廠用電系統中應用。
中圖分類號:TM645.1+1 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2017)05-0037-04
Application of Small Isolated Phase Bus Duct and Non-Segregated Closed Bus in Auxiliary Power System
CHEN Zeng-hua
(Fujian Electric Power Survey & Design Institute, Fuzhou 350001, China)
Abstract: The high-voltage auxiliary power supply bus is the key conductor between the station transformer at low-voltage side and the highvoltage auxiliary switchgear. It is significant for the safe operation of thermal power plant. Introduction was made to the high-voltage auxiliary power busbar type, the principle line connection and the parameters in large-scale thermal power plant. Analysis was made to the structure, relative merits and operational performance of small isolated phase bus duct and non-segregated closed bus, and the technique and economic comparison was carried out for both of them. The small isolated phase bus duct was recommended to be applied in the auxiliary power system of coastal large-scale thermal power plant.
Key words: small isolated phase bus duct; non-segregated closed bus; auxiliary power; application comparison
[1] DL/T 5153—2014 發電廠廠用電設計技術規程[S].
[2] GB 50660—2011 大中型火力發電廠設計規范[S].