(廣東電網有限責任公司教育培訓評價中心,廣東 廣州 510520)
摘 要:研制了一種輕便的光纖輸出無源開合式電流傳感器,給出了其基本結構并闡述了各部分工作原理,該傳感器使用無源結構、內部嵌入了高度集成的C8051F330 單片機進行采樣與數據分析,采用數字方式通過光纖進行數據傳輸,并添加安全性能極高的保護電路和信號反饋電路。經實驗驗證,該傳感器完全達到設計要求,具有體積小、重量輕、抗干擾能力強、直接輸出數字信號等優點,并且采樣速率高,方便安裝、維護。
中圖分類號:TM930.2 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2017)05-0031-03
Development of Optical Fiber Output Passive Retractable Current Sensor
LIU Xiao-lei
(Guangdong Power Grid Company Limited Education Training and Evaluation Center, Guangzhou 510520, China)
Abstract: A kind of lightweight optical fiber output passive retractable current sensor was developed. This paper gave its basic structure and expounded each part’s working principle. This sensor used the passive structure with the highly compositive microcontroller, C8051F33 0 embed to carry out sampling and data analysis. The data transmission adopted digital mode via optical fiber. The high safety performance protective circuit was added, as well as the signal feedback circuit. The experiment verifies that this sensor meets the requirements of the design completely, with the advantages such as small volume, strong antijamming capability, direct digital data output etc, and it is easy to install and maintain with high speed sampling.
Key words: passive; optical fiber; sensor; retractable; draw-out power
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